AI AccuVision
Video analytics powered by AI

Visitor analytics by face
The program being developed is designed to recognize and analyze clients on video, as well as to identify objects that will be used to set KPIs.

Automatic accounting
Counting the number of visitors, identifying clients, determining gender and age.

Employee behavior analysis
Helps with workplace safety, such as detecting and identifying employees without hard hats.
ACCU VISION is a multifunctional tool for identifying and analyzing customers or employees based on video, as well as identifying various objects.
Program functions:
- Counting the number of visitors: The program automatically counts the number of visitors or employees located in certain areas. This allows you to control the flow of people and assess the congestion of various areas;
- Customer Identification: Using Face Detection and 1 to N matching algorithms, the program is able to identify customers or employees based on their facial features and matching them with entries in the database;
- Determination of gender and age: The program uses algorithms to determine gender and age based on an analysis of the faces of clients or employees. This allows you to obtain statistical data on the age and gender characteristics of the audience;
- Heat Map: Using motion and object analysis algorithms, the program creates a heat map that visually displays the density of customers in different areas of a room or area. This allows you to identify popular locations or counters, which helps tailor product placement and improve efficiency;
- Object Detection: Программа использует алгоритмы обнаружения объектов для автоматического выявления различных объектов или предметов на видео, таких как товары на прилавках или сотрудники без касок на производстве.
Object Detection: The program uses object detection algorithms to automatically identify various objects or objects in the video, such as products on shelves or employees without hard hats in a factory.
- Face detection (Распознавание лиц): Алгоритм обнаружения лиц используется для выделения и идентификации лиц на видео;
1 to N (1 к N) сравнение: Этот алгоритм позволяет сопоставить распознанные лица с записями в базе данных для идентификации клиентов или сотрудников; - Face detection: A face detection algorithm is used to isolate and identify faces in video;
1 to N comparison: This algorithm allows you to compare recognized faces with entries in the database data to identify clients or employees; - Comparison: A comparison algorithm can be used to compare different objects or persons to determine their similarities or differences;
- Object detection: Object detection algorithms are used to identify various objects in video, such as goods or people without helmets in production.
This comprehensive program provides critical information about customers, employees and assets that can be useful to optimize business processes, improve security and provide a better customer experience. It can also help in setting key performance indicators (KPIs) and improve the overall performance of the organization.

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